- #Mac pptx. to opc .otx quaklity driver
- #Mac pptx. to opc .otx quaklity manual
- #Mac pptx. to opc .otx quaklity archive
- #Mac pptx. to opc .otx quaklity code
PocketWear Car Lease Kit vehicle data file au Sound (audio) file (SUN Microsystems) at2 Auto template (Aldus Persuasion 2.0) asx Microsoft Windows Media Active Stream Redirector file aso Assembler object (object orientated) file (Turbo Assembler)Īssociation of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice asi Assembler include file (Turbo C - Borland C++) ash Assembly language header file (TASM 3.0) ascx Microsoft ASP.NET user control file
#Mac pptx. to opc .otx quaklity archive
arx Compressed file archive created by ARX ark Arc file archive created by CP/M port of ARC file archiver arj Compressed file archive created by ARJ (arj241.exe) ari Compressed file archive created by ARI arc Compressed file archive created by ARC (arc602.exe/pk361.exe)Ĭompressed file archive created by SQUASH (squash.arc) apx Appexpert database file (Borland C++ 4.5) apr Employee performance review (Employee Appraiser) ap Compressed Amiga file archive created by WHAPĪpplication object file (dBASE Application Generator)Įxecutable application file (DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari)

amg Compressed file archive created by AMGCĪscii text ANSI character set (NewWave Write) General printer information (WordPerfect for Win) all Format file for working pages (Always) aix Datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave) ais Array of Intensity Samples graphics (Xerox) ain Compressed file archive created by AIN afm Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer (ATM - many)ĭatafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave) afl Font file (for Allways) (Lotus 1-2-3) aex PGP Armored Extracted Public Encryption Key adt Datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave) adl Mca adapter description library (QEMM) adc Bitmap graphics (16 colors) (Scanstudio) acl Document file (Audit Command Language) acc Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax) (GEM / resident) a4p Authorware file packaged without runtime a4m Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh file a3m Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh file 8u Printer font with Roman 8 extended character set (PageMaker) 8m Printer font with Math 8 extended character set (PageMaker) 8cm Music (8 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker) 6cm Music (6 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker) 669 Music (8 channels) (The 669 Composer)
#Mac pptx. to opc .otx quaklity code
4th Forth source code file (ForthCMP - LMI Forth) 3t4 Binary file converter to ASCII (Util3)
#Mac pptx. to opc .otx quaklity driver
386 Intel 80386 processor driver (Windows 3.x) 15u Printer font with PI font set (PageMaker)
#Mac pptx. to opc .otx quaklity manual
1 Roff/nroff/troff/groff source for manual page (cawf2.zip) 0b Printer font with lineDraw extended character set (PageMaker) 096 96x96 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher) 091 91x91 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher) 085 85x85 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher) 075 75x75 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher) 000 Compressed harddisk data (DoubleSpace) $vm Virtual manager temporary file (Windows 3.x) #st Standard mode printer definitions (LocoScript) #24 Printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer (LocoScript) Segue abaixo a lista de extensões mais utilizadas.

Este processo é para o Windows XP em Português, mas também é parecido com outrod sistemas operativos. Dê “OK” na janela e pronto, agora os arquivos serão visualizados com as suas devidas extensões. Finalmente em «Definições avançadas» desmarque o item “Ocultar extensões para tipos de ficheiro conhecidos”. Uma vez feito isso, seleccione a guia “Ver”. Para o que o Windows passe a mostrar as extensões, abra o Windows Explorer, vá até o menu “Ferramentas” e clique em “Opções de Pastas”. É por que o Windows por padrão mantém esta configuração de ocultar as extensões dos arquivos. More complicated enhancements include displaying the names and data types of Objective-C methods even if symbols have been stripped, and adding comments that describe member variables, function calls, static data and more.Porque é que o Windows não mostra as extensões dos arquivos? Simple enhancements include adding the machine code of each instruction and the offset of each instruction from the beginning of a function. otx uses otool(object tool) to disassemble a Mach-O executable file, then enhances the disassembled output.