
Stranger things 3 wallpaper
Stranger things 3 wallpaper

stranger things 3 wallpaper

Sam Owens at Hawkins Lab, who believed Will was experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder. Will continued to have visions of the Upside Down for a year following his rescue. Although he was safely recovered by friends and family, Will began to have visions of the Upside Down. Will Byers, a young resident of Hawkins, was captured by a Demogorgon and brought to the Upside Down's version of the town's public library. In November 1983, another gate opened at Hawkins Lab, allowing the Upside Down to begin to spread through. Using his abilities, Henry formed a psychic connection to the particles and morphed them into a form that satisfied him: he transformed the mist into a gargantuan spider-like entity that would come to be known as the Mind Flayer. Eventually, Henry discovered “the most extraordinary thing of all”: a swirling, storm-like mass of shadowy particles. Henry began to traverse the alien terrain, encountering “so many things”, including a species of faceless humanoid predators. Eleven ultimately overpowered Henry, sending him through a gate to a mysterious alternate dimension this was a realm defined by mountainous terrain and electrical storms. On September 8, 1979, Eleven and Henry Creel engaged in a psychokinetic duel at Hawkins Lab. Henry moulds the mass of mist into the Mind Flayer. However, this proxy form was rendered useless and inert after the new Gate was shut, and the psychic link disabled once again. This biomass was then combined to create a proxy form, through which the Mind Flayer could directly act in the human world.

stranger things 3 wallpaper

Via this proxy form, the Mind Flayer began kidnapping and possessing multiple humans and rats, feeding them chemicals and melting their bodies into puddles of biomass. The isolated piece of the Mind Flayer remained dormant at Brimborn Steel Works until 1985, when a newly opened Gate reestablished the psychic link. As Eleven closed the Gate, Will's friends and family worked to force a piece of the Mind Flayer out of his body, which in turn became dormant after the Gate's closure. Eleven interfered by closing the interdimensional gate she previously opened at Hawkins Lab, severing the psychic link between the worlds and killing the Demodogs in the process. The Mind Flayer first actively attempted to take over the world in 1984, possessing Will Byers and an army of adolescent Demogorgons, or Demodogs. Henry used his powers to reconstitute the mist into a form that satisfied him: a giant, spider-like entity, not unlike a similar creature he had fantasised about as a child. This version of the Mind Flayer was a storm-like mass of shadowy particles, or mist it is not known if the mist possessed its own independent will, or consciousness. The earliest form of the Mind Flayer was discovered by Henry Creel in 1979, following his banishment to the Upside Down. In a sense, the entirety of the Upside Down was like one gigantic organism, with all its contents and agents connected both physically and mentally via the Mind Flayer. The Mind Flayer could wield supreme control of the Upside Down via a psychic link, with Demogorgons, vines, and demobats forming a shared hive mind for a period in 1985, possessed humans known as "The Flayed" would also comprise part of the hive mind. The Mind Flayer is gigantic, looming at least 50 feet tall, and sports a distinctive spider-like appearance. The Mind Flayer is an entity originating from the Upside Down, an alternate dimension existing in parallel to the human world.

Stranger things 3 wallpaper