the natural way to draw a wall and column plan is to draw the walls first and then insert columns where it is structurally appropriate. In Revit, in AC, in Allplan, in ADT, in.etc. dimensioning flexibility is good, but I still cringe at the idea of "cheating" at dimensions in any CAD/BIM program where precision is key.1. Hard for me to comment.I don't work in Metric!ħ. Hope the revit guys get Open GL/Graphics issues worked out so all graphic display is faster.Ħ. "ghosting" is a 3D tool? In 2D, Revit underlaid plans show up and you can snap to them, and you can tell if you select/delete something on the underlay.ĥ. Revit's Architectural Columns will "join" with the wall to keep vloumes of both correct. Would you please exaplian what some of these tools do in more detail for non-AC users?Ģ. So, factory guys, when you come back from holiday, have a look at the above, you know, Revit 9.1 should be out sooner or later.Īnd to conclude this wish list writing.I shall continue working with AC because in the office I work they use AC and do not want to hear about Revit-mevit stuff, but I shall still continue keeping an eye at how Revit develops and am sure that when I start smth on my own it is going to be Revit I shall choose. Maybe it is my habits I do not want to get rid of but I think that user habits is something that Revit manufacturers need to consider, you can not expect anyone to completely deny what's been before, Revit does not have to look like other softwares, that's whai I like about i, it is different.but I thnik it needs to keep an eye and steal principle "ergonomic" things. Similar moods have been expressed in this forum lately. Well, I wanted to add more but that's what comes to my mind, I shall not keep this list updated, all I want to say is that AC has got some many little conveniences that make your job easier and stands no chance to be better in fundamental, global terms whereas Revit has the strongest BIM engine and lacks, hey I am not critical., these little thingies that AC has had for such a long time and it is these thingies that can make you furious if you do not have at your disposal. I can even add custom text or cheat when dimensioning. Dimensioning in AC is also great, all types of dimensions, styles, alignments. Although, Revit is autodesk ownership, ooops.Autodesk ownership, I dare say that AC handles DWG files better than Revit, in AC I can at least set the units in meters or whaterever unit I can think of whereas in Revit it is still set to milimeters only, for Christ's sake, the majority of this world is metric.ħ. AC used to be in version 7 unbelievably slow at panning and zooming and now it's faster and more furious, sometimes I get annoyed that Revit slows it down when zooming a hidden line view set drawing.Ħ.

with Revit I am always endangered to get distracted and delete smth on the underlaid floor without even noticing.ĥ. I could have any floor undderlaid and snap points. AC patent magic wand is a great tool drafting and 3d, well only drafting in my view.does such a great job so easily.Ĥ.

AC very correctly places columns within walls, graphically because they do not disappear and physically it automatically takes out the column volume out of the wall column, so I am more prone to trust AC when doing my bills of quantities ģ.
In AC I could do whatever types of fills I wish in just a second and thus improve graphics according to my preferences, I am so sorry, no, angry, that I can not operate with fills in Revit with such an ease but buy a new software or ask someone on the forum, so Factory crew, pls open AC 8 at the least and see it for yourself Ģ. Pls, factory, read the following, I know you do, so I very much appreciate it.ġ. Well, as Graphisoft is making up with Revit, I think, there are some things I'd like Revit to steal from ArchiCAD. When I first looked at AC 10 I thought Graphisoft had acquired Revit - the interface is more than similar, so I gather the Graphisoft's have also sensed the greatness of Revit and stole some of its competitives interface features and more. If I have to do smth right now I'd not hesitate and use ArchiCAD cause I happen to know it better but believe it or not I sense a great potential of Revit in the very near future. Now, this ArchiCAD versus Revit row is really not going to have an end.I've been using ArchiCAD for 4 years seriuos design jobs and I've been juggling with Revit trials and forums for almost 2 and we are still using AC in the office.